Column – Say no to this racist division | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Column – Say no to this racist division | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog.

I think this is where Abbott’s refusal to allow free speech becomes a problem.

I have no problem in recognizing the people who were here 200 years ago as EARLIER settlers. And if we find earlier settlers, they can be recognized too. Who cares. They are all dead. My ancestors are dead too.

That isn’t racism, that is history. It may be accurate, it may not. Why not write some books about it?

The next step is where racism sets in. So if you are like Jackie Lambie who claims to be an aboriginal, and the local tribes disagree, it shouldn’t matter. They can have their opinions, do tests, and compare ancestors with DNA. That’s fine. Who cares.

Now let’s make it racist. IF you have a link to one of those people in history, should you be allowed to tell those of us born here, what we can and can’t do? Can you take my money because your ancestor is better than mine. Can you kick me out of places, like Ayres Rock, because my ancestors are different?

Now “their” ancestors and my ancestors share common ancestors. You know, out of Africa. Do those who left Africa first get a better deal? Do those who got here first deserve a better deal.

Do those who ancestors arrived in Australia first get better deals from the government now, or those who arrived second? Why does it matter whose ancestors were first, unless this is some kind of racist plan to give power to those who are otherwise undeserving as they haven’t worked as hard?

Those are some of the questions that will divide the nation, if racist laws are added.

Shocked of Sydney (Reply)
Mon 20 Apr 15 (08:48am)

What about those of aborigine descent who live like white men in cities in housing which looks just like every house in the area lived in by white people? Do they need, or want, their own version of Australian laws? Would they be willingto live under the same tribal laws as their ancestors lived under?

Are they different to those of aborigine descent who live in the bush as nomadic hunter gatherers?

Are there any Aborongines who still live as hunter gatherers using traditional methods of hunting and gathering? Do those living in the bush wear possum skins or polyester? Do they use steel tools or milled timber?

Do those of Aborigine descent recognise those in other tribal groups? Do they share the same culture?

How many Aborigines accept white man money so they don’t have to get a job, either in their own culture of hunting and gathering, or a white man job?

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