Reconciliation now means Aborigines attacking Aborigines | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

Reconciliation now means Aborigines attacking Aborigines | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog.

How many people invite people they meet on the street to their home for a meal?

I don’t invite whitefellas I meet on the street, at a work place, or even at a social gathering, unless I get to know them, and like them. I have had blackfellas in my house, but they were people I knew and liked. We even like the ones who became a part of the extended family, and they are welcome … along with the Fijians, Italians, Filipinos, Dutch, Chinese and others who have become family or friends … or both. The reason I don’t invite more home is because I don’t meet them doing the things I do, through work, or play.

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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